
Picking up the best dog for you can be difficult. Do you want one that matches your personality, or do you want to challenge yourself? Whatever you pick, it's important to remember that dogs are a lifelong commitment. They can live over a decade long, and they can easily become part of the family. If you want to find a dog that matches your personality type, check out the handful breeds below.

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Let's face it, not all of us are lucky enough to meet our BFFL in middle school. THAT'S OKAY THOUGH . We meet friends throughout all chapters in our lives. Some friends come and go. Others are destined to be around longer. Here are 10 signs that they are a keeper!
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Have you ever had a bout of  low energy that just became the normal after a while? There was a point for me where I was tired of being tired. Having consistently low energy can get depressing and discouraging. If you have low energy and are also tired of being tired, check out these reasons that might be contributing to your overall levels of energy.
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New start to get ready for the next 12 months. How you get ready for that, will vary person to person. Each year we get to try out new ways to prepare ourselves to see what works the best. It's 2023 and the year that we focus on ourselves. This year we're trying the following six tips to not only get through the year, but thrive through it.
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As soon as you hit the pillow for shut-eye, there’s no telling what type of nighttime adventure your brain is going to take you on. The mind creates some seriously bizarre scenes as it enters the deeper stages of sleep. If you keep having dreams about falling, for instance, it can reveal some interesting things about your psyche.
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